
  製作「財富肯定句」已經快一年了,時常收到觀眾的成功故事!以下是節錄一小部分,還有很多。有時候連自己也覺得很驚喜,想不到竟然可以幫助到這麼多人,超感恩的! 現在正式推出財富肯定句的MP3提供購買下載,不用再忍受Youtube時常跳出的廣告,現在就可以用你最喜歡的播放軟體來聽肯定句了! @leo-xs6yc (針對「宇宙提款機」金錢肯定句) 我是香港人~聽了很多廣東話類似的都沒感覺,就是當是聽了催眠曲~ 昨天上班的時候突然看到宇宙提款機就被吸引點了進來~之後儲了打算在睡覺前聽~ 聽的時候出乎意料地很有感覺~帶著美妙的感覺睡著~ 然後老闆今天竟然請我吃了一頓很豐盛的壽司大餐~還只請我一個~還打包讓我請我家人請~ 我一直都很想有能力讓家人可以豐盛一下~還順利加薪了~原本是不打算的~ 真的很感謝宇宙也很感謝BB的這個影片~我還以為聽母語的會比較好~真的很開心! @carriewalker9070 (針對「宇宙提款機」金錢肯定句) 感謝BB的分享!昨晚看到金錢肯定句,就來試試結果聽到睡著。早上家人突然拿了些$$說給我在過渡時期使用,也太神奇了吧!肯定句沒有聽完就已經有小顯化,全部聽完還得了!!真心大推可以邊聽邊睡噢!大家17來顯化!! @m0973314 (針對「宇宙提款機」金錢肯定句) BB我要跟你講,今天發生兩件好事。 1、路上撿到100塊 我就拿錢去買了想喝的星冰樂了! 2、原本要花2800的事情,花850搞定了!本來上週要訂兩晚住宿,要花2800多。我拖延症犯了,拖到今天。偶然發現網上有人在以物換宿,物品價值只要800。我詢問之後他說:單人房被預訂了。 我心想:那預定那個2800的吧!沒想到他說:加100,住雙人房好嗎? 就這樣我被「升等」了!網上結帳他要的物資,要寄給他的時候。發現有50元的折扣券。 最終只花了850,搞定了原本2800多的事情!太開心了! @ IG 觀眾 上次BB分享謝謝那本書的影片(逆轉人生的影片),我實際單純土法煉鋼後一個月(一直說謝謝),很神奇的是,我這個月業績增加不少。每次收到大單我就一直謝謝謝謝!然后還有這兩天上的「宇宙提款機」影片,我最近操作股票想說奇怪,看好的怎遲遲沒漲?昨天索性拿妳的影片睡前聽一聽給它當安眠曲,神奇的是!那檔股票今天一早就漲停了!太神奇了BB! @wenwenluo4143 (針對「宇宙提款機」

Neville Goddard - The Law and the Promise - Chapter 10

The Law and the Promise - Chapter 10 


"...what is seen was made out of things which do not appear." — Heb. 11:3

"Human history, with its forms of governments, its revolutions, its wars, and in fact the rise and fall of nations, could be written in terms of the rise and fall of ideas implanted in the minds of men." — Herbert Hoover

"The secret of imagining is the greatest of all problems to the solution of which the mystic aspires. Supreme power, supreme wisdom, supreme delight lie in the far-off solution of this mystery." — Douglas Fawcett

To refuse to recognize the creative power of man's invisible, imaginal activity, is too great to be argued with. Man, through his imaginal activity, literally "calls into existence the things that do not exist" [Romans 4:17].

By man's imaginal activity, all things are made, and without such activity, "was not anything made that was made" [John 1:3].

Such causal activity could be defined as, an imaginal assemblage of images, which occurring, some physical event invariably takes place. It is for us to assemble the images of happy outcome and then keep from interfering. The event must not be forced but allowed to happen.

If imagination is the only thing that acts, or is, in existing beings of men (as Blake believed), then "we should never be certain that it was not some woman treading in the wine press who began that subtle change in men's minds" [William Butler Yeats].

This grandmother is daily treading the wine press for her little grand-daughter. She writes: "This is one of those things that make my family and friends say, 'we just don't understand it'. Kim is two-and-a-half years old now. I took care of her for a month after she was born and did not see her again until a year ago, and then, only for two weeks. However, during this past year, every day I have taken her on my lap — in my imagination — and cuddled her and talked to her.

"In these imaginal acts, I go over all the wonderful things about Kim: 'God is growing through me; God is loving through me' etc. At first, I would get the response of a very young child. When I started 'God is growing through me' — she would reply, 'Me'. Now — as I start she completes the whole sentence. Another thing that has happened is, as the months have passed, as I take her — in my imagination — on my lap she has grown constantly larger and heavier.

"Kim hasn't even seen a picture of me in this past year. At the most, I could only be a name to her. Now, some time each day, her family tells me, she starts talking about me — to no one in particular — just talking. Sometimes it goes on for an hour; or she goes to the phone and pretends to call. In her monologue are such bits as: 'My Dee Dee loves me. My Dee Dee always comes to see me every day'.

"Even though I know what I have been doing in my imagination, it has caused me, too, 'to wonder much'." ...U.K.

All imaginative men and women are forever casting forth enchantments, and all passive men and women, who have no powerful imaginative lives, are continually passing under the spell of their power.

There is no form in nature, which is not produced by, and sustained by some imaginal activity. Therefore, any change in the imaginal activity must result in a corresponding change in form. To imagine a substitute-image for unwanted or defective content is to create it. If only we persist in our ideal imaginal activity and do not let lesser satisfactions suffice, ours shall be the victory.

"When I read in 'Seedtime and Harvest' the story of the school teacher who, through her imagination, in daily revision, transformed a delinquent pupil into a lovely girl, I decided to 'do' something about a young boy in my husband's school.

"To tell all the problems involved would take pages, for my husband has never had such a difficult child nor such a trying parent situation. The lad was too young to be expelled, yet the teachers refused to have him in their classes. To make matters worse, the mother and grandmother literally 'camped' on the school grounds making trouble for everyone.

"I wanted to help the boy, but, I also, wanted to help my husband. So, nightly, I constructed two scenes in my imagination: one, I 'saw' a perfectly normal, happy child; two, I 'heard' my husband say, 'I can't believe it, dear, but do you know "R." is acting like a normal boy, now, and it is heaven not having those two women around'.

"After two months of persisting in my imaginal play, night after night, my husband came home and said, 'It's like heaven around school' — not exactly the same words but close enough for me. The grandmother had become involved in something that took her out of town and the mother had to accompany her.

"At the same time a new teacher had welcomed the challenge of 'R.' and he was progressing wonderfully well into all I imagined for him." ...G.B.

It is useless to hold standards that we do not apply. Unlike Portia, who said: "I can easier teach twenty what were good to be done, than be one of the twenty to follow mine own teaching." [William Shakespeare, "The Merchant of Venice"]

G.B. followed her own teaching. It is fatally easy to make the acceptance of the imaginal faith a substitute for living by it. "... He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound..." — Isaiah 61:1